The following comments from BMW owners after installing wheel spacers before and after, and their FAQ may provide more help for you to choose the right wheel spacers. There is no shortage of questions and comments about installing wheel spacers on various car forums and social media platforms, including the famous bimmerpost forum, xbimmers forum, and so on.

In this article, we will collect some common questions and ideas from the forum to help BMW owners make a better choice. For example, the following question.

Common forum comments from BMW owners about wheel spacers and FAQ BMW x6 (2)

BMW Driver’s Comments about Wheel Spacers

“I am considering using 12mm front and 15mm rear wheel spacers, mainly to provide a more aggressive exterior look. Has anyone done this setup? I have never had wheel spacers before and would appreciate any feedback from anyone with experience.”

“That picture makes me think 15/20 isn’t too much after all. Any chance of a few more 15/20s?”

“Can you share where you got the spacers from?”

“Does anyone know if the shims affect the vehicle mechanically? I read somewhere that spacers cause more stress to be put on the original hubs installed. Is this true?”

“And what is the benefit of wheel spacers?”

“Why not get bigger wheels?”

“ I just went to a local tire shop asking if they kept any spacers in stock or I would have to bring my own if I needed them for the wheels I’m getting and he said his shop won’t touch them because they’re not safe and he’s seen them break many times.”

Common forum comments from BMW owners about wheel spacers and FAQ BMW x6 (7)

Common BMW driver’s FAQ about wheel spacers

In the forum, we see that many owners are interested in wheel spacers and discuss many issues about it, including the selection of wheel spacers thickness,  brand selection, using safety issues, product quality safety issues, and so on, which we will discuss below.

Common forum comments from BMW owners about wheel spacers and FAQ BMW x6 (1)

Wheel Spacer Thickness

About the thickness selection, many owners in the forum have posted their own comparison chart after installing wheel spacers to provide references for other owners. 10mm wheel spacers, 12mm wheel spacers, 15mm wheel spacers, and 20mm wheel spacers have become the main choice. Why not choose thicker wheel spacers for modification? According to some owners’ feedback, BMW owners are concerned about the impact of 25mm and thicker wheel spacers on the vehicle architecture, especially on the wheel bearings, and on the other hand, the reason for choosing wheel spacers. It is related to “What do Wheel spacers Do?”

However, for most of the car owners who want to commute to the city, modify the appearance, or upgrade the brakes, we suggest wheel spacers below 20mm, because most of the car owners who choose larger thickness wheel spacers choose to install them on off-road cars for outdoor off-road. Choose 10mm-20mm wheel spacers for example, in this comparison chart of BMW x5 wheel spacers we have given you, you can see that the proper thickness can make the wheel spacers hold the level line with the car and get the perfect appearance of the car. The majority of wheel spacers with a thickness of less than 10mm are chosen for the purpose of making more space for the calipers after modifying the high-performance brakes.

Wheel Spacer Brands

In terms of wheel spacers brand selection, today’s manufacturers are mainly BONOSS, Eibach, and H&R, no matter how many articles appear on Google to promote the top ten wheel spacers or the best wheel spacers. We don’t deny other brands, but we believe that our products can give owners a better experience, and we can find reviews from many forums written by customers who choose us, whether with old or new posts.

Common forum comments from BMW owners about wheel spacers and FAQ BMW x6 (9)

We will continue to analyze the safety of BMW owners in using wheel spacers and wheel spacers quality and safety sharing and FAQ in our next blog, please look forward to it. If you are interested in BONOSS wheel spacers, please click the link below to enter the store.